Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thrift Store Shopping

It has been a while since I last posted.  It has been a little hectic, the kids were finishing up in school, which means a lot of testing and half days.  Our air conditioner  was not working (it is summertime hot here in Atlanta already, I'm talking 85-90 degrees), but I'm happy to say it was fixed on Saturday and not a minute too soon.   We have also been doing a lot of yard work (in this heat, ugh).  I will post pictures about that soon.   

I did manage to make it to the thrift store over the long weekend.  I hadn't been for a few weeks and I got a late start (which is never a good thing when going to the thrift stores) but hopefully I would find something.  Well, no great scores, but I did find a few things I liked.  

I found a nice size basket at Goodwill.  Not quite sure how I'm going to use it, but it was in good shape and you can never have too many baskets!    I was thinking of  painting it.  I don't know, what do you think?

I also saw a silver tray at America's Thrift Store.  I liked the edging on the tray and for the price I couldn't pass it up.  I think it will be good to use for parties with some appetizers. It would also work for outdoor entertaining this summer.      

It must have been the day for trays because I saw this set and had to have it.  There are actually three trays.   It looks like the paper was decoupage on, so it should be easy to remove.  I have a project in mind for these.  I will post it when they are done.  

Well, I didn't get too much, but I love the hunt, I never know what I will find.  I promised myself that next weekend I will get an early start and spend the day thrifting and maybe stop at some yard sales along the way.

Have you been to the thrift store lately?  Did you find any great scores?  

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